Nagymarosi látkép (Kálvária domb)

Nagymaros - Visegrád
Nagymarosi látkép (Kálvária domb)
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Kálvária kápolna, Nagymaros Nagymarosi látkép (Kálvária domb)
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Location: Magyarvölgy völgy, Nagymaros, Hungary  Building  Szent Kereszt Felmagasztalása templom church
28/5/2016 ©bper | 4619 views
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Nagymaros - Vi…
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Nagymarosi látkép (Kálvária domb)

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Szent Kereszt Felmagasztalása templom
Szent Kereszt Felmagasztalása templom

Name:Szent Kereszt Felmagasztalása templom
Building type:church
Built year:16th century
Owner:Roman Catholic Church
Architectural style:Baroque


The Danube is Europe's second-longest river, after the Volga River, and also the longest river in the European Union region. It is located in Central and Eastern Europe. (Wikipedia)

castle town
castle town

Type:castle town
Visegrád is a small castle town in Pest County, Hungary. It is north of Budapest on the right bank of the Danube in the Danube Bend. It had a population of 1,864 in 2010. Visegrád is famous for the remains of the Early Renaissance summer palace of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and the medieval citadel. (Wikipedia)

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