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Parliament from Buda

Parliament from Buda
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Location: Szabó Ilonka Street, Budapest, Hungary  Building  Parliament parliament Steindl Imre Wikipedia
11/3/2012 ©Blade Runner | 2057 views
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Parliament from Buda

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Building type:parliament
Designer / Architect:Steindl Imre
Built year:1904
The Hungarian Parliament Building (Hungarian: Országház, which translates to House of the Country or House of the Nation) is the seat of the National Assembly of Hungary, one of Europe's oldest legislative buildings, a notable landmark of Hungary and a popular tourist destination of Budapest. It lies in Lajos Kossuth Square, on the bank of the Danube. It is currently the largest building in Hungary and still the tallest building in Budapest.

Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna-plébánia
Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna-plébánia

Name:Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna-plébánia
Building type:church
Designer / Architect:Kristóf Hamon
Built year:1805
Owner:Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest

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