View from Pécs TV Tower - kilátás a pécsi tévétoronyból

Pécs, Örfű, Mecsek
View from Pécs TV Tower - kilátás a pécsi tévétoronyból
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View from Pécs TV Tower - kilátás a pécsi tévétoronyból Mecsek
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Location: Pécsi TV torony -
6/10/2019 ©bper | 2388 views
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View from Pécs TV Tower - kilátás a pécsi tévétoronyból

The Pécs TV Tower is a television tower in Pécs, Hungary, standing on the Misina peak of Mecsek (535 meters), measuring 197 metres, with a publicly accessible observation deck at a height of 75 metres, and a restaurant at 72 metres. The tower was built from 1968 to 1973. There is a dinosaur exhibition at the restaurant level, with two life-sized dinosaur mock-ups, depicting the once native Komlosaurus. (Wikipedia)

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Tags: Pécs, Pécs TV Tower, Mecsek, Pécsi TV-torony

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