The Last of the Mohicans

Balaton in Winter
The Last of the Mohicans
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Szent Imre Bazalttemplom Jókai gőzös - Balatonfüred
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Location: Balatonfüred Vitorláskikötő - Vitorlás tér, Balatonfüred, Hungary  Ship/Boat  sailboat
28/11/2010 ©Blade Runner | 2096 views
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Balaton in Win…
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The Last of the Mohicans

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Vitorlás Étterem
Vitorlás Étterem

Name:Vitorlás Étterem
Building type:restaurant
Built year:1887

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Tags: Balaton, Plattensee, Balatonfüred, Sailboat

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