Badacsony mountain from Révfülöp

Western Hungary
Badacsony mountain from Révfülöp
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Lake Balaton Balaton Uplands - Balaton-felvidék
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Location: Fülöp hegyi kilátó - Mogyoró Street, Révfülöp, Hungary  Lake  Balaton
23/10/2005 ©Blade Runner | 9738 views
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Badacsony mountain from Révfülöp

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Lake Balaton, or The Balaton, is a freshwater lake in the Transdanubian region of Hungary. It is the largest lake in Central Europe, and one of its foremost tourist destinations. The Zala River provides the largest inflow of water to the lake, and the canalized Sió is the only outflow.


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Tags: Badacsony, Fülöp hegyi kilátó, Révfülöp

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