Schönbrunn Palace garden in autumn

Schönbrunn Palace garden in autumn
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Schönbrunn Palace garden in autumn Schönbrunn Palace garden in autumn
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Location: Schönbrunn Palace - Vienna, Austria
2/11/2015 ©traveller | 1557 views
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Schönbrunn Palace garden in autumn

Schönbrunn Palace was the main summer residence of the Habsburg rulers, located in Hietzing, Vienna. The 1,441-room Rococo palace is one of the most important architectural, cultural, and historic monuments in the country. Since the mid-1950s it has been a major tourist attraction. The history of the palace and its vast gardens spans over 300 years, reflecting the changing tastes, interests, and aspirations of successive Habsburg monarchs.

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Tags: Schönbrunn Palace, Wien, Vienna, Schloss Schönbrunn, Autumn

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