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sinker of Lake Pécs

Pécs, Örfű, Mecsek
sinker of Lake Pécs
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Orfűi-tó Autumn Mecsek - Mecsek ősszel
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Pécs, Örfű,…
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sinker of Lake Pécs

Lake Pécs (Hungarian: Pécsi-tó) is a lake in Hungary. The lake is located north of the village of Orfű, in Baranya county; surrounding villages are Mecsekrákos and Tekeres. It is within the Mecsek mountain range, which separates the lake from the city of Pécs to the south. There are 4 lakes (Pécs, Orfű, Herman Ottó, Kovácsszénája) at Orfű next to each other. The lake is used for angling, bathing and boating. There is also a Mill Museum, where millers mill wheat and sell homemade bread. (Wikipedia)

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Tags: Lake Pécs, Pécs, Mecsek, Örfű

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