Places / Settlement - Ferlach
 Ferlach (Slovene: Borovlje) is the southernmost town in Austria, about 17 km south of the Carinthian capital Klagenfurt. It is situated in the Rosental/Rož Valley of the Drava River, at the northern slope of the Karawanken mountain range. The commune consists of the Katastralgemeinden of Ferlach (Borovlje), Kappel an der Drau (Kapla ob Dravi), Kirschentheuer (Kožentavra), Unterloibl (Podljublj), Waidisch (Bajdiše), Unterferlach (Medborovnica), Glainach (Glinje), Seidolach (Ždovlje) and Windisch Bleiberg (Slovenji Plajberg). According to the 2001 census 8.3% of the population are Carinthian Slovenes.
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